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SpECtite PUFlex


SpECtite PUFlex is a one-component high-build polyurethane polymer-based elastomeric coating. The dry film possesses superior physical properties. The dry membrane is watertight, seamless, durable, tough, highly flexible, and weather resistant.

SpECtite PUFlex utilizes the latest in polyurethane technology to perform as a UV-resistant membrane with excellent durability even in harsh/hot Middle East climatic conditions.

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Technical Details

SpECtite PUFlex may be used for the following situations:
. Waterproofing of roofs (asbestos, cement tile terrazzo and concrete)
. Waterproofing of domes, arches, terraces, balconies, sunshades & parapet walls
. Wet area, i.e. under tiles in bathroom, kitchen and shower areas, swimming pools
. Waterproofing over old refurbished roof
. Metal Roof Application
– One-component ready-to-use, lightweight compared to conventional roof system.
– Formulated to withstand harsh Middle East climate.
– Non-flammable and non-hazardous.
– Highly elastic and UV resistant.
– High crack building capability.
Appearance: Thixotropic coating
Full cure: 7 days
Solids content: 65±3%
Density (ASTM D1475): 1350±50 kg/m³
Elongation (ASTM D882): 500±50%
Crack Bridgeability (ASTM C836): 3.0±0.5mm
Tear resistance (ASTM D624): 6±2 kN/m
Shore A Hardness (ASTM D2240): 45±5
Service temperature: -5°C – 90°C
1- Surface Preparation:
Surfaces must be dry and free from oil, dust, dirt, grease and loosing materials. The substrate should be firm, in case of gaps and cracks fill with suitable polysulphide sealant and ensure the surface is level.

2- Substrate Priming:
For most situations, the substrate should be primed with SpECtite PUFlex Primer. SpECtite PUFlex can be applied as soon as the primer becomes tack-free.

3- Application:
Stir well before use. Do not apply if rain is expected within 24 hours. Apply the material using brush or roller. A second coat is applied at right angle to the first coat, after the first coat is dry. It is recommended to apply two coats of SpECtite PUFlex to get a thickness of 1mm. Multiple coats can be applied to achieve higher thickness. Embed fiber mesh around all corner joints, fillets, pipe penetration, pipes, over cracks, drains and where substantial movement is anticipated. Lay fibre mesh in the wet first coat before the application of subsequent coats.

4- Curing:
It requires 24 hours to dry in between 2 coats and 48 hours curing is adequate for foot traffic. Low temperature and high humidity will slow down the curing process. 7 days are required for full cure. In case of expected rains, do not apply SpECtite PUFlex. Ensure curing is complete before laying thermal insulation board mechanical protection and other coverings.

5- Application Temperature Range:
5°C to 50°C
Packing: is supplied in 20 litres pail with a coverage rate of 1 m²/litre at 1mm thickness.
Spread Rate: is supplied in 20 litres pail with a coverage rate of 7-10 m²/litre.
10 years limited warranty.

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Industrial Area, Stress 42, Gate B3.

Barwa Commercial Avenue, Safwa Block Building 2, 2nd Floor

SpECtite PUFlex

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