Bardawil Qatar provides Top-of-the-line passive fire protection materials for buildings and structures. Trust us to protect your assets and ensure the safety of your property.


We offer fire sealant products designed to meet the most stringent passive fire protection standards. Our fire sealants are easy to apply and can be used in various applications, including walls, floors, and ceilings.


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Greener Cheaper Concrete

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Greener Cheaper Concrete

Interdum iusto pulvinar consequuntur augue optio, repellat ipsum dolor sit amet, no sea takimata sanctus est frus expedita fusco.
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Greener Cheaper Concrete

Interdum iusto pulvinar consequuntur augue optio, repellat ipsum dolor sit amet, no sea takimata sanctus est frus expedita fusco.

Our passive fire protection products are designed to slow down or prevent the spread of fire in a building, keeping occupants safe and minimizing damage. Our offerings include fire-resistant walls, floors, doors, anti water leak façade, civil openings for mep, and fireproofing materials such as insulation and sealants. Our curtain wall materials are at the top in quality and effectiveness.

Our fire rated sealants are a crucial component of our passive fire protection system. They seal gaps and openings in a building to prevent the spread of fire and smoke. Our fire rated silicone sealants are easy to apply. They maintain their integrity and effectiveness even in a fire, helping to slow the spread of flames and smoke and providing valuable time for occupants to evacuate.

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Passive fire protection refers to the use of non-active fire safety measures designed to slow down or contain the spread of fire. These measures are designed to provide structural integrity, prevent the spread of smoke and toxic gases, and provide safe escape routes for occupants. Examples of passive fire protection include:

Fire-resistant walls, floors, and ceilings
Fireproof doors and windows
Fire-rated ducts and penetrations
Intumescent coatings and sealants
Fire-resistant insulation materials.
Passive fire protection forms an integral part of fire safety in buildings and structures and is used in conjunction with active fire protection measures, such as sprinkler systems and fire alarms.

Passive fire protection is important because it provides a crucial line of defense against the spread of fire and smoke, giving occupants time to evacuate and firefighters time to respond. Some of the key benefits of passive fire protection include:

Slowing down the spread of fire: Passive fire protection measures, such as fire-resistant walls, doors, and windows, can help to slow down the spread of fire and reduce the risk of fire spreading to other areas of a building.
Protecting the structural integrity of buildings: Passive fire protection helps to maintain the structural integrity of buildings during a fire, ensuring that they don’t collapse prematurely, which can put lives at risk.
Providing safe escape routes: Passive fire protection can help to create safe escape routes for occupants during a fire, allowing them to evacuate quickly and safely.
Preventing the spread of smoke and toxic gases: Passive fire protection measures can help to prevent the spread of smoke and toxic gases, which can be lethal to occupants.
Increasing the time available for firefighters to respond: By slowing down the spread of fire, passive fire protection provides firefighters with additional time to respond, increasing their chances of controlling the fire and saving lives and property.

Fire doors are considered a passive fire protection measure. They are designed to slow down or contain the spread of fire and smoke and provide a barrier to protect escape routes and limit the spread of fire. Fire doors are tested to specific fire resistance standards and are typically made of fire-resistant materials, such as steel or timber, with intumescent seals to prevent the passage of fire and smoke around the edges. When closed and properly maintained, fire doors can play a critical role in protecting life safety and property during a fire.

Industrial Area, Stress 42, Gate B3.

Barwa Commercial Avenue, Safwa Block Building 2, 2nd Floor

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