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SpECtite RS60


SpECtite RS60 is a blend of high purity silica sands,
cements and additives which, when mixed with
water, produces a rapid setting mortar with an initial
set of around one minute

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Technical Details

SpECtite RS60 may be used for rapid plugging of concrete elements, where water leaks must be stopped.
· Does not contain chloride additives
· Low exotherm
· Rapid water-stopping ability
· Pre-bagged only requires the addition of water

Initial set 

60 seconds @ 20°C 
60 seconds @ 20°C 

30 N/mm² @ 28 days 

It is essential that adequate preparation is carried out prior to the application of SpECtite RS60. The area to which the mortar has to be applied, should have a depth of at least 15mm to avoid feather edging. The substrate should be free of dust and laitance and any other contaminants should be removed by high pressure water jet. Oils and greases should also be removed.

SpECtite RS60 is a one-part blend of silica sands, cements and additives.

The following proportions should be used for mixing:
SpECtite RS60     3 parts by volume
Clean water     1 part by volume

Mix in a suitable container using a trowel. As the product set time is short, only mix sufficient material which can be used in the time available.

Hand place the mortar ensuring good compaction against the substrate and hold in place with a gloved hand until initial set has been achieved.

When used at temperatures above 35°C the material should be pre-conditioned in a cool environment and the use of chilled mixing water should be considered to achieve an acceptable working time.
SpECtite RS60 is supplied in 5kg or 25kg packs.
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Industrial Area, Stress 42, Gate B3.

Barwa Commercial Avenue, Safwa Block Building 2, 2nd Floor

SpECtite RS60

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